Centar za decu i omladinu

Vrnjačka Banja

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Live together

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Center for Children and Youth become new partner in realization of Project "Live together" of Swiss foundation Pestalozzi which implementation in Serbia coordinates Child Rights Center from Belgrade.

Intercultural program realize ten towns in Serbia: Niš, Kraljevo, Užice, Zaječar, Belgrade, Požega, Knjaževac, Aleksinac, Novi Pazar and Vrnjačka Banja.

The aim of Program "Live together" is to work with youth from high schools educating them about culture, understanding of their own and other cultures, identity and tolerance.

Local plan of activities in Vrnjačka Banja for 2006:

  • Workshops once per week 2 hours, 4 months from 1. March to 30. June 2006th
  • Beneficiaries: 20 young I and II school year of Gymnasium and Tourist school, workshop leader Jovan Dumanović, sociologist
  • Place: Youth Center premises
  • September – establishment of Youth club, under leadership of Valentina Krstić, coordinator
  • October – Central event in Kraljevo – geathering of youth from all partner organisations for enhensing of youth network structure
  • End of 2006. or beginning of 2007. – 15 days stay in kinderdorf Pestalozzi, Trogen, Switzerland.

Since 16th February to 2nd of March eight young members of our Youth Center with young from Kraljevo and Belgrade had occasion to stay in Kinderdorf Pestalozzi in Trogen. Mutual work and life with young from other serbian towns and youth from Georgia under the leadership of swiss pedegogist contributes for their growth and enhensing of their awareness to respect diversities for better life quality.
During the fifteen days stay they active participated in intercultural workshops, prepared 45 minute radio emission about anti-rasizm and really lived togther.
Also, it is great benefit for them to visit one foreign country excellent ordered, with specific arhitecture and lot of natural beauties. Visit of few Swiss towns and museums of Saint Galen, Zurich, Winterthur, Luzern and natural beauties of Rhein falls and Boden Lake stay forever in their impressions.
