Centar za decu i omladinu

Vrnjačka Banja

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Youth redaction

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This project is initiated by youth members of Youth center with aim to prepare and issue youth newspapers. Here will be elaborated useful themes concerns to youth of Vrnjacka Banja in cultural, educational, sport and fun sense.

ACDI/VOCA supplied equipment (computer, printer, Dictaphone and digital photo camera) for realization of Youth project "Youth redaction" where is planned issuing of Youth newspapers. End of September 2005 10 young people from gymnasium started to attend course for journalism and graphic design in Youth Centre. After training they will prepare newspapers with lot of important and useful information for young people from Vrnjacka Banja. The first number of the Youth newspapers is planned to be issued end of November 2005.

Project realizes Youth Center in cooperation with High school for tourism, Gymnasium, and university for Economy and tourism from Vrnjacka Banja.

First edition of youth newspaper is planned for December 2005. It is going to be distributed to youth of Vrnjacka Banja for free trough schools.

